Brief Review of Threats to Canada's Groundwater from the Oil and Gas Industry's Methane Migration and Hydraulic Fracturing

A Public Interest Project by Ernst Environmental Services



(Links change frequently and documents are often removed from public access, especially since the Government of Canada became the “Harper Government™”)


1 Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources. November, 2005. Water in the
West: Under Pressure Fourth Interim Report.
2 Suro, Roberto May 3, 1992 Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Become Pollution Portals The New York Times
3 Crowe, A.S., K.A. Schaefer, A. Kohut, S.G. Shikaze, C.J. Ptacek. 2003. Groundwater Quality Canadian
Council of Ministers of the Environment. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Linking Water Science to Policy Workshop
Series. Report No. 2.
4 Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
5 POWERSAlberta Press Release, August 22, 2011. What Fresh Hell is this?

6 POWERSAlberta Press Release, September 10, 2011. What Fresh Hell is This?

7 POWERSAlberta Frack Workshop. September 10, 2011. What Fresh Hell is This?

8 Fakete, J. and R. Penty. Environment Canada to study hydraulic fracturing Post Media News and Calgary
Herald, September 21, 2011. Previously available at
11 Council of Canadians. January 25, 2013. Fracking review flawed, relies on industry information

12 Natural Resources Canada. January, 2006. Results to the Information Request by Ken Ruben to Natural
Resources Canada under the Access to Information Act.
13 Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy. February, 2007. Report of the Rosenberg International
Agriculture and Natural Resources
14 Dyck, Toban, April 12, 2013. Manitoba’s dark secret. Spectator Tribune
15 Dyck, Toban, April 12, 2013. Manitoba’s dark secret. Spectator Tribune
16 US Environmental Protection Agency. December, 1987. EPA Report to Congress: Management of Wastes
1 of 3 Oil and Gas, EPA/530-SW-88-003, December 1987
17 Urbina, I. The New York Times, August 3, 2011. Drilling Down, One Tainted Water Well, and Concern There
18 Kooyman, RW, MB Muir, RP Marcinew, and K Bennaceur. Sept-Oct 1989. Effective Hydraulic Fracturing Of
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No. 5, Paper No 89-05-05.
19 Canadian Natural Gas, 2010 Full Potential: Unconventional Gas Development in Canada. Canadian Natural
Gas is a made-in-Canada advocacy project sponsored by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and
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20 EnCana. Advertising brochure on the company website September 19, 2011. “Quick Info:
Hydraulic Fracturing.”
21 Wright, K. April 19, 1993. Foul Water Leads to Court Methane Contamination from CBM in High Country

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Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation, Inc. “(LEAF) and Ruben and Cynthia McMillan petition to the
EPA regarding water well contamination in Alabama from CBM, 1995”
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22 Wright, K. April 19, 1993. Foul Water Leads to Court Methane Contamination from CBM in High Country
Edmonton Journal.
24 Williams, B. May 4, 2011. Press Release Calmar Homeowners Suing Town of Calmar and Aztec Home Sales
26 Douglas H. Hamilton, D. H., and Richard L. Meehan. 1992. Cause of the 1985 Ross Store Explosion and
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27 Douglas H. Hamilton, D. H., and Richard L. Meehan. 2000. Methane dangers in Los Angeles linked to waste
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Beach, June 2000 Session: Environmental Liabilities Associated with Oil Industry Operations
an historical perspective of lessons learned in Environmental Geology (2005) 47:302-317
29 Schmitz, Ron, P. Carlson, M. D. Watson, and B. P. Erno. 1993. Husky Oil’s Gas Migration Research Effort –
answer unconventional fracturing challenges in Energy Evolution The Rise of Unconventional Gas in
Canada Vol. 1, 2007, Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas (CSUG) name later changed to Canadian
Society for Unconventional Resources (CSUR) and June Warren Publishing Ltd.
32 The ERCB (previously EUB) falls under or becomes the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), June 2013.
34 Bachu, S. (Alberta Energy and Utilities Board) and T. Watson (T.L. Watson and Associates Inc). 2007. Factors
Affecting or Indicating Potential Wellbore Leakage Presentation to the 3rd IEA-GHG Wellbore Workshop, March
12-13, 2007. SPE Paper 106817, 200
35 National Ground Water Association. May 24, 2013. Journal article evaluates methane sources in groundwater in Pennsylvania
36 Muehlenbachs, K. November 14, 2011. Identifying the Sources of Fugitive Methane Associated with Shale
Gas Development. Presentation in Washington, USA: Resources for the Future. Managing the Risks of Shale
37 Lemay, T.G., and Konhauser, K.O. September, 2006. Water Chemistry of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs ERCB.
EUB/AGS Special Report 081.
38 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
Faculty of Trustees of the Colorado School of Mines in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
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40 Arkadaskiy, S. K. Muehlenbachs, C. Mendoza, and B. Szatkowski. 2005. Anaerobic oxidation of natural gas
in soil – The geochemicals evidence? Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2005. Life in Extreme Environments.
41 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
42 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., and E. J. Jaworski. 1995. Migration of
#1995-0001. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
43 US Environmental Protection Agency. June, 2004 Evaluation of Impacts to Underground Sources of Drinking
Water by Hydraulic Fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Chapter 3 Characteristics of Coalbed Methane
Production and Associated Hydraulic Fracturing Practices EPA 816-R-04-003
US Environmental Protection Agency. June, 2004. Public Comment and Response Summary for the Study of
44 Davies, Richard J., Simon Mathias, Jennifer Moss, Steinar Hustoft and Leo Newport. April 21, 2012.
Hydraulic fractures: How far can they go? in Marine and Petroleum Geology (2012), doi:10.1016/ j.marpetgeo. 2012  
45 Bachu, S. (Alberta Energy and Utilities Board) and T. Watson (T.L. Watson and Associates Inc). March 19,
2008. Wellbore Leakage Potential in CO2 Storage or EOR Fourth Wellbore Integrity Network Meeting, Paris, France.
46 Castelvecchi, Davide. June 30. 2011. France becomes first country to ban extraction of natural gas by frackingScientific American
48 Muehlenbachs, K. November 14, 2011. Identifying the Sources of Fugitive Methane Associated with Shale
Gas Development. Presentation in Washington, USA: Resources for the Future. Managing the Risks of Shale
Unofficial translation La Presse.
50 Côté, Charles. January 17, 2012. Gaz de schiste dans l'eau: le chercheur s'est trompé, affirme Québec La Presse.
Gas Development, updated January 2012 with new data Original presented on November 14, 2011 in
Washington, USA: Resources for the Future. Managing the Risks of Shale Gas: Identifying a Pathway toward
52 Emails to Ernst versus Encana 2012.
55 Radio-Canada. April 11, 2013. Fuite de gaz sur le site du puits Haldimand no 1. Amie du Richelieu translation
56 Fournier, Johanne. April 12, 2013. Du gaz détecté à Haldimand no 1 La Presse. Translation Gas detected
58 Petromanas Energy Inc. Website on April 7, 2013. Board of Directors
59 Géllinas, Geneviève. March 30, 2013. Fracturer à Haldimand : nécessaire ou pas? Fracture in Haldimand:
necessary or not? La Presse
60 Radio-Canada. April 11, 2013. Fuite de gaz sur le site du puits Haldimand no 1. Amie du Richelieu translation
61 CBC News. January 27, 2013. Pétrolia suspends oil drilling plan near Gaspé.
62 Van Praet, Nicolas. April 24, 2013. Petrolia asks court to rule on Gaspé drilling ban Financial Post
63 Quebec Government. May 15, 2013. Projet de loi n°37 : Loi interdisant certaines activités destinées à
65 Langelier, Richard (LL.D.). May 18, 2013. Analyse préliminaire des récents projets de loi et de règlement.
Tache d'huile. Gaz de schiste - Gaspésie et Anticosti mis de côté. May 16, 2013. Translation, May 19, 2013:
Moratoire d’une Génération and Pétroliques anonymes of Rivière-du-Loup. May 15, 2013. Projet de loi
66 Collectif scientifque sur la question du gaz de schiste. May 30, 2013. Des projets incohérents disent des
scientifiques indépendants English Translation by Amie du Richelieu. June 2, 2013.
Drill & Compl 24 (1): 115-126. SPE-106817-PA.
The Montreal Gazette, March 7, 2011.
71 Robertson, J.O., G. V. Chilingar, L. F. Khilyuk & B. Endres. Available Online June 7, 2012. Migration of Gas
from Oil/Gas Fields Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34:15, 1436-
72 Tilley, Barb and Karlis Muehlenbachs. 2012. Fingerprinting of gas contaminating groundwater and soil in a
petroliferous region, Alberta, Canada in Proceedings from International Network of Environmental Forensics
conference, Cambridge, UK, July 25-27, 2011.
73 Tait, Douglas R., and Isaac R. Santos, Damien T. Maher, Tyler J. Cyronak, and Rachael J. Davis. February 27,
Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (7), pp 3099–3104, DOI: 10.1021/es304538g
74 Southern Cross University. April 2, 2013. New study finds correlation between CSG wells and radon
75 Santos, Issac and Damien Maher. 2012. Ongoing Study: Fugitive Emissions from Coal Seam Gas Centre for
Coastal Biogeochemistry, School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University
76 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. April 12, 2013. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Sinks: 1990-2011 EPA 430-R-13-001
77 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. May 14, 2013. Mystery Solved: Previously
78 Szatkowski, B., Whittaker, S., Johnston, B., Sikstrom, C., and K. Muehlenbachs, 2001. “Identifying the source of dissolved hydrocarbons in aquifers using stable carbon isotopes.” G-Chem Environmental Ltd., Imperial Oil Resources Ltd., and the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta.
79 Maxxam Analytical Labs. 2006. Environmental Services Solutions. Coalbed Methane Operations, Baseline
Water-Well Testing Issue No. sol-050e. Previously available at
80 Dusterhoff, Dale, G. Wilson, and K. Newman. 2002. Field Study on the use of Cement Pulsation to Control
Gas Migration Paper presented to the Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.
81 Bachu, S. and M. A. Celia. November, 2005. Evaluation of the Fate of CO2 Injected into Deep Saline
Geological Storage of CO2, November 1-3, 2005.
82 Debruijn, Gunnar. 2008. Expert Viewpoint-Well Cementing. Schlumberger Limited.
83 ERCB (EUB) Statistical Series 57, 98/99. Field Surveillance April 1998/March 1999 Provincial Summaries.
Drill & Compl 24 (1): 115-126. SPE-106817-PA.
85 ERCB. 2011 (Branch Provincial Summary for 2010). ST57-2011 Field Surveillance and Operations.
87 Schmitz, Ron, P. Carlson, M. D. Watson, and B. P. Erno. 1993. Husky Oil’s Gas Migration Research Effort –
Practices in the Cooper/Eromanga Basins Department of Primary Resources and Industries South Australia.
Book 2001-00009.
89 Queensland Government Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation June 1, 2010
90 Newman, K., A. Wojtanowicz, and B.C. Gahan. 2001. Cement pulsation improves gas well cementing . World
91 Stein, D., T.J. Griffin Jr., and D. Dusterhoft. 2003. Cement Pulsation Reduces Remedial Cementing Costs. In
GasTIPS Winter 2003.
Drill & Compl 24 (1): 115-126. SPE-106817-PA.
93 ERCB (EUB). May, 2004. Presentation by Manager Jim Reid: Shallow Operations Issues Removed from the
ERCB website
94 ERCB (EUB) Directive 027. January 31, 2006. Original Shallow Fracturing Operations-Interim Controls,
Restricted Operations, and Technical Review.[Removed from the regulator’s website and replaced with this
EUB Bulletin 2005-33.
96 British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission Safety Advisory 2010-03. May 20, 2010. Communication during
97 Kusnetz, N. December 28, 2011. Oh, Canada’s Become a Home for Record Fracking Propublica
Shale EPA Workshop
99 Thompson, Suzi. December 20, 2012. ERCB: New rules coming for fracking and unconventional
resources Fast Forward Weekly
102 The Alberta Government changed the EUB's name to the ERCB after the regulator was caught breaking the
June 2013, the government changes the ERCB's name again to the Alberta Energy Regulator.
103 ERCB (EUB) Directive 027. January 31, 2006. Original Shallow Fracturing Operations-Interim Controls,
Restricted Operations, and Technical Review. [The regulator replaced the original with this version]
104 Thompson, Suzi. December 20, 2012. ERCB: New rules coming for fracking and unconventional
resources Fast Forward Weekly
105 IEA Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme 2nd Wellbore Integrity Workshop, 2006/12, September, 2006
106 British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission. August 2012. Investigation of Observed Seismicity in the Horn
107 Christopher A. Green, Christopher A., Peter Styles and Brian J. Baptie. April 2012. Preese Hall Shale Gas
108 Lechtenböhmer, S., M. Altmann, S. Capito, Z. Matra, W. Weindorf, and W. Zittel. European Parliament’s
Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. June 2011. Directorate General for Internal Policie,
109 Perkins, Gary, Associate General Counsel. February 19, 2013. ERCB Letter to Mr. Stewart Shields FOIP for
110 Legere, Laura. May 19, 2013. Open records case produced untracked drilling documents Times-Tribune
testing methods Times Tribune Sunday Times
Phillips, Susan. May 24, 2013. DEP’s Fracking Record-Keeping Blocks Transparency. NPR State Impact
112 Scranton Times-Tribune. May 23, 2013. DEP as murky as frack water
113 Alberta Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Order F2012-06. March 30, 2012. Alberta
114 Alberta Innovates Technologies Futures (previously Alberta Research Council) letter to Jessica Ernst. May 18, 2012. Advising that: “All files relating to the Investigation File No. 7894 (the Applicant’s file) are with Alberta
Environment and Sustainable Development’s legal department and are client-solicitor privileged as a result of
the Applicant’s legal suit against EnCana, ERCB, and The Department.”
115 Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
116 Groat, C. G. and T. W. Grimshaw. 2012. “Fact Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas”
Development. Energy Institute, University of Texas, Austin.
Previously available at
118 Groat, C. G. and T. W. Grimshaw. 2012. “Fact Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas”
Development. Energy Institute, University of Texas, Austin.
Previously available at
119 Energy Institute Press Release “New Study Shows No Evidence of Groundwater Contamination from
Hydraulic Fracturing” February 16, 2012, University of Texas, Austin. Previously available at:
Available with update on "apparent conflict of interest" at:
120 ABC, Four Corners. April 2013. GAS LEAK! Reported by Matthew Carney and Connie Agius.
121 Hetzler, Paul. December 13, 2011 Hydrofracking sure to contaminate water Watertown Daily Times
Waterloo/Porous Media Research Institute. In Eye on Environment. Previously available at
123 Dusseault, M. B. 2003. Some Recommendations Relating to Alberta Heavy Oil. Report prepared for the
Alberta Department of Energy.
124 Bachu, S. (Alberta Energy and Utilities Board) and T. Watson (T.L. Watson and Associates Inc). 2007. Factors Affecting or Indicating Potential Wellbore Leakage Presentation to the 3rd IEA-GHG Wellbore Workshop, March 12-13, 2007. SPE Paper 106817, 200
125 Dusseault, M. B., M.N. Gray and P.A. Nowrocki, 2000. Why Oilwells Leak: Cement Behaviour and Long-
Term Consequences prepared for presentation at the Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. International Oil and
Gas Conference and Exhibition in China held in Beijing, China, 7–10 November 2000
126 Waffle, Chris R., Darren L. Tisdale and Cory A. MacNeill. January 28, 2010. The Horseshoe Canyon Coals of
Central Alberta — A Dry CBM Play Adapted from an oral presentation by Trident Exploration Corporation at
Eastern Section AAPG Annual Meeting, Evansville, Indiana, September 20-22, 2009.
128 For the sake of this brief, the multi-name changed regulator is termed Alberta Environment
129 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
Alberta. Amended on April 21, 2011. Court File No. 0702-00120. Fresh Statement of Claim. Legal briefs filed
by defendants.
131 EnCana. March 9, 2006. EnCana on methane in water in EnCana Energy for People In Your
Community in Strathmore Standard
132 von Hauff, Heather. October 2007 (slide dated September 9, 2005). Alberta Environment update on groundwater research and policy development.
133 Lemay, T.G., and Konhauser, K.O. September, 2006. Water Chemistry of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs
ERCB. EUB/AGS Special Report 081.
134 Lemay, T.G., and Konhauser, K.O. September, 2006. Water Chemistry of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs
ERCB. EUB/AGS Special Report 081.
Alberta Environment test results on gases in contaminated Rosebud water wells
135 Kappel, William M., and Elizabeth A. Nystrom. August 2012. Dissolved methane in New York groundwater,
1999 - 2011. US Geological Survey Report 2012-1162, 6 p. Prepared in cooperation with the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation.
136 New York State Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources. 2004. Inspections, Fees and Fines.
137 New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Website, May 18, 2013. Oil, Gas and Solution Salt
138 New York State Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources. 2004. Inspections, Fees and Fines.
140 Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd. Various years. Regional Groundwater Assessments In conjunction with
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
141 Alberta public meetings assuring groundwater protection, 2006 and onward
144 Alberta Environment. 2010. Alberta Water Well Information Database
145 Cornell University, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Anthony R. Ingaffea

147 Detected in sampling by Alberta Environment in the Signer drinking water, November 2, 2006 and in the
Hamlet of Rosebud drinking water, spring 2006.
148 Detected in sampling by Alberta Environment in the Hamlet of Rosebud drinking water, spring 2006
149 Detected in sampling by Alberta Environment in the Ernst drinking water, March 3, 2006
150 US Environmental Protection Agency. June, 2004 Evaluation of Impacts to Underground Sources of Drinking Water by Hydraulic Fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Chapter 3 Characteristics of Coalbed Methane Production and Associated Hydraulic Fracturing Practices EPA 816-R-04-003
152 EnCana Investor Days March 16 and 18, 2010.
answer unconventional fracturing challenges in Energy Evolution The Rise of Unconventional Gas in
Canada Vol. 1, 2007, Candian Society for Unconventional Gas (CSUG) name later changed to Canadian Society
for Unconventional Resources (CSUR) and June Warren Publishing Ltd.
154 Waffle, Chris R., Darren L. Tisdale and Cory A. MacNeill. January 28, 2010. The Horseshoe Canyon Coals of
Central Alberta — A Dry CBM Play Adapted from an oral presentation by Trident Exploration Corporation at
Eastern Section AAPG Annual Meeting, Evansville, Indiana, September 20-22, 2009.
155 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
156 Richards, Tadzio. March 17, 2007. Burning Water Maisonneuve Magazine The Controversy Issue
157 EnCana. July 1, 2004. Gas analysis on 05-14-27-22-W4M
158 Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd. January, 2005. EnCana Corporation. Redland Area. NE10-027-22-W4M.
Sean Kenny Site Investigation. File No.: 04:510.
161 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc.
Prepared for Alberta Environment.
163 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
164 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc.
Prepared for Alberta Environment.
165 Media Alert by complainants. March 19, 2008 8 Landowners Reject Closure of Groundwater Cases: Demand
166 Tilley, Barb and Karlis Muehlenbachs. January 23, 2008. Letter to MLA Dr. David Swann
168 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. September 2003. Natural Gas from Coal in Alberta Position
169 Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd. January, 2005. “EnCana Corporation. Redland Area. NE10-027-22-W4M.
Sean Kenny Site Investigation.” File No.: 04:510.
170 Alberta Environment. April 2006. “Standard for Baseline Water-Well Testing for Coalbed Methane/Natural
Gas in Coal Operations.”
171 Nikiforuk, A. February 23, 2012. Alberta Plays Catch-up on Frack Front The Tyee
172 HR 7231 IH, 110th Congress 2nd Session. In the House of Representatives, September 29, 2008
174 Flower, Jayana. September 2, 2010. Letter from Encana legal counsel to Ernst.
Our Energy Resources Package Removed from the ERCB website.
176 Nikiforuk, Andrew. June 2006. The Groundwater Debate. The Calgary Herald.
177 Ernst FOIP to Alberta Environment in 2007; to the Alberta Research Council in 2008 – Inquiry because of
withheld and censored public records concluded March 30, 2012 ordering all records released uncensored, a
complete refund of fees and a possible reopening of the Alberta Environment Inquiry (Order 2010-01).
178 Johnston, Patricia M. (General Counsel to the ERCB). April 24, 2012. Letter to Jessica Ernst.
Associated with Shallow Gas Wells on the Suffield Block. PTAC 2005 Water Efficiency and Innovation Forum,
June 23, Calgary. Previously available at:
180 Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Public Lands and Forests Division. LWD Review Team: John
Begg, Kevin Ball, Barry Cole, Lowell Calder, Barry Adams, Bruce Cairns, Dom Ruggieri, and Suzanne Hawkes-
Gill. December 2003, released in 2006, after FOIP and public pressure. (The regulator removed the report from
public access, soon after it was released.) Landspraying While Drilling (LWD) Review
report Calgary Herald
182 Steele, Amy. March8, 2007. EnCana exposed, Damning evidence of environmental damage Fast Forward
report Calgary Herald
184 Ernst, 2011, 2012, Personal Observations, Video and photographs
185 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. May 2006 (footer says January, 2006) Best Management
Know About Hydraulic Fracturing. Oil and Gas Accountability Project (a project of Earthworks).
Colborn, T., C. Kwiatkowski, K. Schultz, and M. Bachran Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health
Perspective Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,
September 4, 2010.
Know About Hydraulic Fracturing. Oil and Gas Accountability Project (a project of Earthworks).
188 Weyer, U. February, 2006. “Hydrogeology of shallow and deep seated groundwater flow systems. Basic
principals of regional groundwater flow.” WDA Consultants Inc., Calgary, Alberta.
Zhang, Y., Person, M.A., Merino E., and M. Szpakiewcz. May, 2003. “Evaluation of hydrologic and
biogeochemical controls on soluble benzene migration within the Uinta Basin using computer models and field
sampling. AAPG Annual Convention.” Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Times-Picayune
190 Johnson, Spike and Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe. March 31, 2011. Practice lays waste to land. Denton Record-
Davidson Leader.
crude oil. Record-Gazette
193 Kavitz Law Office, llc. January 25, 2012. Natural Resources/Consumer Blog: Homeowners and Farmers with
194 Colborn, T., C. Kwiatkowski, K. Schultz, and M. Bachran Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health
Perspective Accepted for publication in International Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,
September 4, 2010.
195 EnCana. 2003. 00/05-14-27-22-W4M CBM completion data on file at Alberta’s Groundwater Centre, most
shallow at 121.5m.
EnCana. 2004. 00/05-14-27-22-W4M CBM drilling and fracturing data on file at the ERCB
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared for
Alberta Environment.
197 Oilfield Review. Winter 2003/2004. A Safety Net for Controlling Lost Circulation.
199 EnCana. 2005. 00/02-23-43-28-W4M CBM drilling and fracturing data on file at the ERCB severe lost
EnCana. 2005. 02/02-23-43-28-W4M CBM drilling and fracturing data on file at the ERCB severe lost
200 Wills, J. 2000. “A Survey of Offshore Oilfield Drilling Wasters and Disposal Techniques to Reduce the
Ecological Impact of Sea Dumping.” M.Inst.Pet., for Ekologicheskaya Vahkta Sakhalina (Sakhalin Environment
201 Oilweek Magazine, Canada’s Oil and Gas Authority. 2006 Guide to Drilling Fluids. March, 2006.
Oilweek Magazine, Canada’s Oil and Gas Authority. 2008 Guide to Drilling Fluids. March, 2008.
202 Oilweek Magazine, Canada’s Oil and Gas Authority. 2006 Guide to Drilling Fluids. March, 2006.
Oilweek Magazine, Canada’s Oil and Gas Authority. 2008 Guide to Drilling Fluids. March, 2008.
Petroleum Services Association of Canada. Drilling and Frac Chemical (Mud) List Historical. 2005. Updated
203 Wills, J. 2000. A Survey of Offshoe Oilfield Drilling Wasters and Disposal Techniques to Reduce the
Ecological Impact of Sea Dumping. M.Inst.Pet., for Ekologicheskaya Vahkta Sakhalina (Sakhalin Environment
204 Name changed to Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
205 Kusnetz, N. December 28, 2011. Oh, Canada’s Become a Home for Record Fracking Propublica
Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
206 Nikiforuk, A. January 16, 2013. How Alberta Will Fight Fracking Folk Hero Jessica Ernst The Tyee
208 Groat, C. G. and T. W. Grimshaw. 2012. “Fact Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas
Development.” Energy Institute, University of Texas, Austin.
Previously available at
209 Tilley, B. and K. Muehlenbachs, 2007. Recognizing Natural Gas Contamination of Water Wells in a
Petroliferous Region. In: 23rd International Meeting on Organic Chemistry Book of Abstracts, September 9th–
14th. P331-WE
210 Alberta Environment. April 2006. “Standard for Baseline Water-Well Testing for Coalbed Methane/Natural
Gas in Coal Operations.”
Natural Resources. November 23, 2010.
215 Singleton, Dan. February 12, 2013. Company offers to test Westward Ho spring. Mountain View Gazette
landowner wants answers. Mountain View Gazette
217 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. 2012. CAPP’s Guiding Principles and Operating Practices for
218 Omni-McCann Consultants Ltd. 2007. “Wheatland Surface Rights Action Group, Groundwater Supply
Concerns Regarding CBM Development, Wheatland County, Alberta.” Project No. 5-231-1
standards? in Red Deer Advocate, Drumheller Valley Times and Strathmore Standard
222 ERCB Press Release. December 19, 2012. ERCB improves public access to hydraulic fracturing fluid

224 The Endocrine Disruption Exchange. 2008. Analysis of Chemicals Used in Oil & Natural Gas Development in
225 Colborn, T., C. Kwiatkowski, K. Schultz, and M. Bachran Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health
Perspective Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,
September 4, 2010.
226 St. Peter, C. 2000. Oil shales and oil and natural gas in New Brunswick: Historical and current industry related activities New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division,
Information Circular 2000-5, 14 p.
228 Government of New Brunswick Website. April 11, 2013. Natural gas and water
229 Omni-McCann Consultants Ltd. 2007. “Wheatland Surface Rights Action Group, Groundwater Supply
Concerns Regarding CBM Development, Wheatland County, Alberta.” Project No. 5-231-1
230 Colchester Weekly News. April 11, 2013. Opposition growing against Colchester County’s approval of
decision to discharge frack waste. Council of Canadians
232 Municipality of Colchester, Nova Scotia. May 17, 2013. Sewer Use Appeals Committee Decision on
234 Myers, T. 2009. Groundwater management and coal bed methane development in the Powder River Basin of Montana J. Hydrology. Vol. 368, Issues 1-4, 30 April 2009. pp 178-193. ISSN 0022-1694. Journal Homepage:
235 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc.
Prepared for Alberta Environment.
236 de la Cruz, N. 2006. Coalbed Methane/Natural Gas in Coal and Groundwater Alberta Environment
Conference, May 2006. Slide 12.
Complaints filed with Alberta Environment. Alberta Research Council Inc.
238 Texas Groundwater Protection Committee. July, 2007. Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination
Report – 2006. SFR-056/06. Published and distributed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
239 New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department. “Generalized Record of Ground Water
Impact Sites”
240 Legere, Laura. May 19, 2013. Open records case produced untracked drilling documents. Times-Tribune
testing methods. Times Tribune Sunday Times
241 Toxics Targeting. September, 2009. Bixby Hill Rd FOIP and Court Documents.
242 Toxics Targeting, 2009
243 Coleman, D. 2004. “Source Identification of Stray Gases by Geochemical Fingerprinting.” Isotech
Laboratories, Inc. Champaign, Illinois, USA. Solution Mining Research Institute; Spring 2004 Technical
Meeting Wichita, Kansas, USA, 18-21 April 2004.
245 Alberta Department of Energy. Coalbed Methane FAQs.
246 Bredenhoeft, J. 2003. Letter to US Environmental Protection Agency Re: EPA draft study report—Evaluation
of Impacts to Underground Sources of Drinking Water by Hydraulic Fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs:
Subject: Federal Register August 28, 2002, Volume 67, Number 10, Pages 55249-55251 (water Docket Id no. w-01-09-11). The Hydrodynamics Group: studies in mass and energy transport in the earth.
Change Central Newsletter 5. Previously available at
248 Gunter, Bill. CO2 Sequestration in Deep “Unmineable” Coal Seams. Alberta Research Council.
Beneath the Animas River Valley, Colorado and New Mexico USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 94-
250 US Geological Survey. January, 2006. Methane in West Virginia Ground Water. Fact Sheet 2006-3011.
251 Alberta Environment. January 16 & 17, 2008. Sample Form Letter to complainants on the closure of their
Groundwater Contamination Investigation No. 7894.
252 Williamson, Ken. Natural Gas from Water Wells can be Dangerous Agriculture Water Specialist, Alberta
Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
253 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., and E. J. Jaworski. 1995. Migration
#1995-0001. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
254 Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas [renamed in 2011 to Canadian
255 Reports by complainants to Alberta Environment
Alberta Hansard, May 17, 2006: Private water well explosion at Spirit River Legislative Assembly of Alberta
256 Alberta Hansard, May 17, 2006: Private water well explosion at Spirit River Legislative Assembly of Alberta
257 Alberta Hansard, May 17, 2006: Private water well explosion at Spirit River Legislative Assembly of Alberta
$800K in emergency funding The Durango Herald.
258 Alberta Environment. January 16 & 17, 2008. Sample Form Letter to complainants on the closure of their
Groundwater Contamination Investigation No. 7894.
259 Gelinas, Grant. October 25 (Part One) & 26 (Part Two), 2006. Documentary on the Bruce Jack Contaminated Water Well Explosion. CBC News.
260 Alberta Hansard, May 17, 2006: Private water well explosion at Spirit River Legislative Assembly of Alberta
261 Alberta Hansard, May 17, 2006: Private water well explosion at Spirit River Legislative Assembly of Alberta
264 Strathmore Standard Archives. January 27, 2005 Rosebud has boiled water order
265 Strathmore Standard Archives. January 27, 2005 Rosebud has boiled water order
$800K in emergency funding The Durango Herald.
267 Pennsylvania Geological Survey. Other Geological Hazards Methane Gas. Previously available at:
$800K in emergency funding The Durango Herald.
268 Ramos, G. and S. Harvey March 25, 1985 Gas Explosion Shatters Fairfax Store; 23 Hurt Los Angeles Times
269 Hamilton, D. H., and R. L. Meehan 1992 Cause of the 1985 Ross Store Explosion and Other Gas Ventings,
Fairfax District, Los Angeles in Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California, Association of
Engineering Geologists, Special Publication No. 4, 1992.
Hamilton, D. H., and R. L. Meehan 1992 Abstract: Cause of 1985 Ross Store Explosion and Other Gas
Ventings Excerpt from: Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California, Association of Engineering
Geologists, Special Publication No. 4, 1992
historical perspective of lessons learned received November 28, 2003, Accepted August 9, 2004, Published
online October 26, 2004 in Environmental Geology (2005) 47:302-317
270 Endres, B., G. V. Chilingarian, and T.F. Yen. 1991 Environmental hazards of urban oilfield operations in
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 6 (1991) 95-106 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam
272 Demirjian, Joan. February 16, 2011. Gas-well ordeal finally ends well Chagrin Valley Times
275 Hamilton, Tyler. March 20, 2010. Alberta firm eyes Ontario’s untapped shale gas Toronto Star
276 Michelle P.B. Nicolas, Michelle P.B. and James D. Bamburak. 2009. Cretaceous Shale Gas Prospects of Southwestern Manitoba: Preliminary Results. Manitoba Geological Survey
277 Warner, Nathaniel R., Timothy M. Kresse, Phillip D. Hays, Adrian Down, Jonathan D. Karr, Robert B.
Jackson, and Avner Vengosh. In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online May 14, 2013. Geochemical and
Arkansas Applied Geochemistry, 2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.04.013
accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.
Published online before print May 9, 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1100682108PNAS
280 Alberta Environment. March 2006. Analytical Report for Rosebud Hamlet. Data collection by Alberta
Environment, analysis by ALS Laboratory Group and the Alberta Research Council [name changed to Alberta
Innovates Technologies Futures, shortly after the council dismissed the contamination cases suggesting nature to blame but unable to explain where the methane came from]
Operations, Science Review Panel Final Report prepared for Alberta Environment by Dr. Cathy Ryan, University
of Calgary. Panel: A. Blyth, B. Mayer, C. Mendoza, K. Muehlenbachs.
282 Alberta Environment. September 8, 2006. Sampling CK090806M by Craig Knaus at 13:15 of the Peter and
Fiona Lauridsen farm water well, SE 29-26-21-W4M.
283 EBA, A Tetra Tech Company for All Points Energy Ltd. Sampling on August 4, 2011; report dated August 24,
2011. “Domestic Water Well Sampling Report: SE 29-26-21-W4M.”
284 U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5085. Natural Gases in Ground Water near
patterns Journal of Geophysical Research 91(B12): 12,343-12,353. doi:10.1029/JB091iB12p12343.
286 Thyne, G. 2008. Review of Phase II Hydrogeological Study Prepared for Garfield County.
287 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., and E. J. Jaworski. 1995. Migration
#1995-0001. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
288 Matthew V. Kohlbecker and Dimitri Vlassopoulos. 2010. Hydrogeochemical Prospecting for Natural Gas: The
289 Darling, W. G., and D. C. Gooddy. 2006. The hydrogeochemistry of methane: evidence from English
groundwaters British Geological Survey
290 Smith, N. J. P., and W. G. Darling. November 9, 2012. Potential problems in the Bath and North East
Renewables and Energy Security Programme Commissioned Report CR/12/055. British Geological Survey.
291 Ohio Department of Natural Resources. September 1, 2008. Report on the Investigation of the Natural Gas
292 Ohio Department of Natural Resources. September 1, 2008. Report on the Investigation of the Natural Gas
293 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
294 Pryce, David, Vice-President Western Canada Operations, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. May
295 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., and E. J. Jaworski. 1995. Migration
#1995-0001. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
296 Thomas, J.C., and McMahon, P.B. 2013. Overview of groundwater quality in the Piceance Basin, western
297 Cousineau, Sophie, Bertrand Marotte, and Rhéal Séquin. September 20, 2012. Quebec to seek ban on shale
gas fracking: Minister Headline changed to: “Quebec gas in peril as PQ signals ban.” The Globe and Mail.
298 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
299 Colorado Oil and Gas Commission. June 10, 2005. Alleged Violations of the rules and regulations of the
DOCKET NO. 0507-OV-07 before the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado
300 Colorado Oil and Gas Commission. September 16, 2004. Alleged Violations of the rules and regulations of
Order No. 1V-276 before the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado.
301 Thomas, J.C., and McMahon, P.B. 2013. Overview of groundwater quality in the Piceance Basin, western
302 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. October 2009.
304 Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Press Release April 4, 2010 DEP Takes Aggressive Action
Citizens Voice
307 Legere, Laura. December 31, 2011. EPA: Dimock water supplies 'merit further investigation' The Times-
Chesapeake to Eliminate Gas Migration Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
309 Legere, Laura. December 31, 2011. EPA: Dimock water supplies 'merit further investigation' The Times-
310 Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Notice of Violation, Gas Migration Investigation, Lennox
Twp. Susquehanna County. September 19, 2011.
312 Legere, L. January 9, 2012. DEP: Cabot drilling caused methane in Lenox water wells The Times Tribune
313 US Environmental Protection Agency. January 13, 2011. Range Resources Imminent and Substantial
314 Hawes, C. January 20, 2011. More methane found in Parker County water WFAA
315 Lustgarten, A. April 20, 2010. Louisiana Well Blowout Forces Hundreds From Homes Propublica
317 Lustgarten, A. April 20, 2010. Louisiana Well Blowout Forces Hundreds From Homes Propublica
318 Environmental Protection Agency. December 2011. Draft Investigation of Groundwater Contamination near
Pavillion, Wyoming. EPA 600/R-00/000. Office of Research and Development.
US Environmental Protection Agency. December 8, 2012. Investigation of Groundwater Contamination near
Pavillion, Wyoming EPA 600/R-00/000
319 Environmental Protection Agency. December 2011. Draft Investigation of Groundwater Contamination near
Pavillion, Wyoming. EPA 600/R-00/000. Office of Research and Development.
320 EnCana. 2001. 02/06-04-27-22-W4M CBM completion data on file at Alberta’s Groundwater Centre; most
shallow perf at 100.5m
EnCana. 2001. 02/06-04-27-22-W4M CBM drilling and fracturing data on file at the ERCB
321 EnCana. 2004. 00/05-14-27-22-W4M CBM drilling and fracturing data on file at the ERCB
322 EnCana CBM data on file at the ERCB, 2001 – April 2006
323 Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
324 US Environmental Protection Agency. August 30, 2010. Expanded Site Investigation – Analytical Results
Report Pavillion Area Groundwater Investigation TDD No. 0901-01. Contract No. EP-W-05-050
325 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc.
Prepared for Alberta Environment.
326 Hurdle, Jon. September 8, 2010. EnCana says drilling did not taint Wyoming water. Reuters
327 US Environmental Protection Agency. August 30, 2010. Expanded Site Investigation – Analytical Results
Report Pavillion Area Groundwater Investigation.TDD No. 0901-01. Contract No. EP-W-05-050
328 Wright, P.R., McMahon, P.B., Mueller, D.K., Clark, M.L. 2012. Groundwater-quality and quality-control data
718, 26 p.
329 Blyth, Alec and Andrea Meltor. April 2009. Rosebud and Redland Monitoring Well Installation Report.
Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Environment
330 Rosebud Fire Department on location during a 911 call because of the water monitoring well venting
dangerous levels of gas near homes.
331 Blyth, Alec and Andrea Meltor. April 2009. Rosebud and Redland Monitoring Well Installation Report.
Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Environment
332 Marcinkowski, Dan. April 17, 2013. Development in Rosebud. Strathmore Standard
333 EnCana CBM data, April 2006 – January 2011
334 Ernst Versus EnCana: The Lawsuit
335 New Brunswick Government. February 15, 2013. Responsible Environmental Management of Oil and Natural
336 Collectif scientifique sur la question du gaz de schiste. May 30, 2013. Des projets incohérents disent des scientifiques indépendants English Translation by Amie du Richelieu. June 2, 2013.
337 Canadian Natural Gas, 2010 Full Potential: Unconventional Gas Development in Canada. Canadian Natural
Gas is a made-in-Canada advocacy project sponsored by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and
other industry lobby groups.
338 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. May 2006 (footer says January, 2006) Best Management
340 Sampling results on the Zimmerman water, 2005, various (by Quicksilver Resources Inc., previously MGV)
and Alberta Environment.
341 Blyth, A. November 16, 2007. “Zimmerman Water Well Complaint Review.” Alberta Research Council Inc.
Prepared for Alberta Environment.
342 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
343 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., and E. J. Jaworski. 1995. Migration
#1995-0001. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Van Stempvoort, D. R., E. J. Jaworski, and M. Rieser. 1996.
(1995). CAPP Pub. #1996-0003.
344 Robertson, J.O., G. V. Chilingar, L. F. Khilyuk & B. Endres. Available Online June 7, 2012. Migration of Gas
from Oil/Gas Fields Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34:15, 1436-
1447, DOI:10.1080/15567030903077899
345 Alberta Environment.. March 11, 2006. Alberta Water Well Information Database
346 Alberta Environment. 2010. Alberta Water Well Information Database
347 Gerow, David. March 2006. CBC News Edmonton
348 Alberta Environment letter to Zimmermans, January 16, 2008.
349 Mesly, Nicolas. July August 2011. Le Gaz de la Discorde Cover Story in Le Coopérateur Agricole
350 Gordon, Sue and A. Blyth. January 16, 2008. Campbell Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research
Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Environment. Appendix C in the Report
351 Blyth, A. March 12, 2009. “Campbell Water Well Complaint, Phase II Investigations." Alberta Research
Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Energy and Utilities Board [ERCB].
352 Alberta Environment's Martin Krezelak Email to the Campbells dated November 16, 2006
353 Gordon, Sue and A. Blyth. January 16, 2008. Campbell Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research
Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Environment. Appendix C in the Report
Beneath the Animas River Valley, Colorado and New Mexico USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 94-
357 Media Alert by complainants. March 19, 2008 8 Landowners Reject Closure of Groundwater Cases: Demand
358 Alberta Environment. April 2, 2008. “Letter to Campbells.”
359 US Environmental Protection Agency. November 2002. OSWER Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor
360 US Environmental Protection Agency. April 2013. OSWER Final Guidance for Assessing and Mitigating the
361 Gordon, Sue and A. Blyth. January 16, 2008. Appendix C in the Report Campbell Water Well Complaint
Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Environment.
362 Alberta Environment. 2010. Alberta Water Well Information Database
364 Knull, Stacy. March 16 and 18, 2010. EnCana Investor Days
365 Greg Bessey to Dr. Karlis Muehlenbachs Email dated September 18, 2006. Obtained by Ernst in 2012 via a
2008 Freedom of Information request to the Alberta Research Council, now Alberta Innovates, originally
withheld and subsequently ordered released after Inquiry by the Office of the Information and Privacy
366 Gordon, Sue and A. Blyth. January 16, 2008. Campbell Water Well Complaint Review. Research Council Inc.
Prepared for Alberta Environment. Appendix C in the Report.
367 Blyth, A. March 12, 2009. “Campbell Water Well Complaint, Phase II Investigations.” Alberta Research
Council Inc. Prepared for Alberta Energy and Utilities Board [ERCB].
368 Campbell, Ronalie and Shawn. June 8, 2013. Number of reports to June 8, 2013 on the Campbell Water
370 Campbell, Ronalie and Shawn. June 8, 2013. Number of reports to June 8, 2013 on the Campbell Water
water in frac’d coalbed methane areas Legislative Assembly of Alberta.
of the environment Legislative Assembly of Alberta
375 Results from 2008 FOIP request Ernst to the Alberta Research Council after inquiry by the Commissioner's
Office ordered the release of withheld records in 2012.
378 Encana. May 1, 2013 (first appeared in about January 2012). Update on Ernst Lawsuit. Copied from:
379 Alberta Energy Minister Ken Hughes letter to Ronalie and Shawn Campbell, dated April 29, 2013, Emailed on
Campbell’s response and earlier correspondence is available at FrackingCanada Who Votes for This?
380 Freedom of Information, records sent in response to Ernst request to the Alberta Research Council, 2008
381 Kusnetz, N. December 28, 2011. Oh, Canada’s Become a Home for Record Fracking Propublica
Results from FOIP request by Ernst to Alberta Environment, 2008, after numerous reviews by the
Commissioner's Office regarding withheld records
382 Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
water in frac’d coalbed methane areas Legislative Assembly of Alberta.
384 Alberta Environment. January 16 & 17, 2008. Sample Form Letter to complainants on the closure of their
Groundwater Contamination Investigation No. 7894.
385 Brent Brelje, Brent. April 10-12, 2013. Removing Methane in Drinking Water from Domestic Wells Located
in a Shale Gas Exploration Area SLR International Corporation presentation, WATERtech Conference, Banff
Springs, AB.
386 Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Ernst Water Well Complaint Review Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 31, 2007. Signer Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
Blyth, A. December 20, 2007. Lauridsen Water Well Complaint Review. Alberta Research Council Inc. Prepared
for Alberta Environment.
387 Media reports, and statements in public town hall meetings.
389 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. 2012. More Facts, Less Friction
390 Natural Resources Canada. August 5, 2011. Shale Gas
Contamination Desmogblog
392 Thompson, Suzi. December 20, 2012. ERCB: New rules coming for fracking and unconventional
resources Fast Forward Weekly
394 Thompson, Suzi. December 20, 2012. ERCB: New rules coming for fracking and unconventional
resources Fast Forward Weekly
395 Thompson, Suzi. December 20, 2012. ERCB: New rules coming for fracking and unconventional
resources Fast Forward Weekly
396 Allegations yet to be proven in court.
398 (website removed off the Internet and replaced with a different one under Alberta Innovates)
399 Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
400 Nikiforuk, A. February 23, 2012. Alberta Plays Catch-up on Frack Front The Tyee
401 Nikiforuk, A. February 23, 2012. Alberta Plays Catch-up on Frack Front The Tyee
Development, updated with new data Original presented on November 14, 2011 in Washington, USA: Resources
404 Alberta Energy Website. April 24, 2013. Shale Gas
Schulich School of Engineering, Calgary Alberta
407 Yedlin, D. April 2, 2013. Chair of Alberta’s new energy regulator a real industry insider Calgary Herald
Nikiforuk, A. April 2, 2013. The Tyee
Henton, D., April 3, 2013. Protti named new energy regulator Calgary Herald
408 Young, Joan. April 5, 2013. Letter to the Editor. Edmonton Journal
409 Alberta Ministry of Energy. 2012. The Ministry of Energy Annual Report 2011-12. P. 95. ISSN 1703-4574
410 Yedlin, D. April 13, 2013. Yedlin: Getting down to building new energy regulatorCalgary Herald
411 Healing, Dan. September 9, 2011. Canadian fracking guidelines unveiled, CAPP aims to increase transparency
Calgary Herald
413 Public Policy Forum. March, 2005. British Columbia: Canada's Pacific Gateway to the World
414 Cenovus Website. April 10, 2013. Our History
415 Bloomberg Businessweek, March 20, 2013
416 Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures April 7, 2013. Leadership
417 Manas Petroleum Press Release. February 24, 2010. Manas Completes Albanian Transaction
418 Petromanas Energy Inc. Website as of April 7, 2013
419 Sub-One Technology. Website April 7, 2013. Board of Directors
420 Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Website, April 7, 2013. Gerard J. Protti details were available at – all Protti details had been removed by the May 7, 2013 link check.
421 Sixth Estate. April 7, 2013. Cached Leadership file and Cached Members file of Energy Policy Institute of
Canada (EPIC); EPIC Members include Cenovus Energy and EnCana
422 Office of the Ethics Commissioner of Alberta. April 2, 2013. Lobbyist Registration for Energy Policy Institute
423 Public Policy Forum. March, 2005. British Columbia: Canada's Pacific Gateway to the World
424 Energy Policy Institute of Canada. November 2011. A Strategy for Canada’s Global Energy Leadership
426 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. May 2006 (footer says January, 2006) Best Management
427 Results from 2008 FOIP request Ernst to the Alberta Research Council after inquiry by the Commissioner's
Office ordered the release of withheld records in 2012.
428 Gelinas, Grant. October 25 (Part One) & 26 (Part Two), 2006. Documentary on the Bruce Jack Contaminated
429 Yedlin, D. April 2, 2013. Chair of Alberta’s new energy regulator a real industry insider Calgary Herald
430 Yedlin, D. April 13, 2013. Yedlin: Getting down to building new energy regulator Calgary Herald
431 Business News Network. January 13, 2013. Fracking Contamination Will Only Get Worse Bell Media
432 Nikiforuk, A. December 19, 2011. Fracking Contamination “Will Get Worse”: Alberta Expert The Tyee
434 Québec government. 2011. Compilation pétroliere et gaziere - Québec. Ministère des Ressources naturelles et
de la Faune, Direction du bureau des hydrocarbures.

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